You’ll also need to pay for the cost of postage to ship them, and you can only use ReadyPost packaging for weight-based (not Flat Rate) shipping). Unlike the free Priority Mail packaging supplies that USPS offers, you’ll need to pay for these ReadyPost boxes and envelopes if you want to use them.

#Post office boxes for free#
These are not the USPS Priority Mail packaging options you’ll get for free instead, these are packaging options that USPS provides and calls ReadyPost. If you walked into your local Post Office recently, you’ve likely noticed an abundance of brown packaging for sale near the counter. ReadyPost Boxes and Envelopes Are NOT Free USPS Packaging Since all USPS Priority Mail boxes and envelopes are free, they are one of the most popular packaging options for shippers on a budget, and small businesses just getting started that haven’t decided to invest in custom packaging. The only thing you’ll need to pay for is the cost of postage. This includes Priority Mail Flat Rate and Priority Mail Express boxes and envelopes, as well.

They’re always free, no matter if you get them at your local Post Office or on. When it comes to Priority Mail packaging, USPS will never charge you for any boxes or envelopes. When you order these boxes and envelopes online, USPS will even deliver them directly to your doorstep! USPS Will Never Charge You for Priority Mail Packaging As long as you’re after USPS Priority Mail packaging, you can either pick up free boxes by walking into your local Post Office, or you can order them online on the USPS website. You can access a self-service feature at USPS post office boxes during. Did you know that you can get USPS boxes and envelopes for totally free? That’s right…zero dollars. A PO Box is a letter box that usually comes with a key (locked) and a unique address.